P-34.1, r. 5.1 - Regulation respecting financial assistance to facilitate tutorship and Indigenous customary tutorship to a child

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21. A tutor who ceased receiving financial assistance because the tutor established his or her residence elsewhere than in Canada and returns to Canada to establish his or her residence therein, may file a new application for financial assistance in accordance with Chapter II.
In such a case, entitlement to financial assistance begins on the date of receipt of the duly completed application.
O.C. 1914-2023, s. 21.
In force: 2024-02-01
21. A tutor who ceased receiving financial assistance because the tutor established his or her residence elsewhere than in Canada and returns to Canada to establish his or her residence therein, may file a new application for financial assistance in accordance with Chapter II.
In such a case, entitlement to financial assistance begins on the date of receipt of the duly completed application.
O.C. 1914-2023, s. 21.